2  Portfolio Tools

2.1 Summary

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Xaringan is a popular R packages for producing interactive and dynamic presentations. It is built on the renowned JavaScript library reveal.js and offers users a variety of customisation possibilities for creating entertaining and informative presentations.

Xaringan allows users to build presentations using the R Markdown syntax, which is a simple and straightforward markdown language that allows users to easily add code, photos, and other material in presentations.

Xaringan presentations can be rendered to HTML, making them easily shared and viewed on the internet. As a result, it is an excellent alternative for developing web presentations such as portfolios, project reports, and instructional resources.

2.2 Applications

Quarto is used to create this remote sensing learning diary. I also have created the following slide presentation on one of the remote sensing sensors using the xaringan package:

Portfolio tool application: xaringan

Remote Sensing Sensor Slides Link
Sentinel - The Remote Sensing Sensor

2.3 Personal Reflection

I just learned the term “literate programming” after I started studying at CASA, and I love it! I learned about Rmarkdown in CASA0005 Geographic Information Systems and Science, and I’m becoming used to taking notes in markdown style with Obsidian. Quarto makes it even easier because it integrates with multiple platforms, including RStudio and VSCode (I use both of these). Xaringan takes things to the next level by converting Rmarkdown into presentations! I’d want to thank Andy, our lecturer, for encouraging us to learn about this and post our work/portfolio. What a valuable lesson!